Microbiological and hygienic testing
Microbiological and hygienic control
Systems for rapid microbiological and hygienic control
Adenosine triphosphate, or ATP for short, is present in all organic substances and is a universal energy particle found in all cells. ATP is produced and/or destroyed in the metabolic processes of all living systems. Therefore, most food products and microbial cells contain a natural proportion of ATP.
Through the ATP hygiene control system, adenosine triphosphate comes into contact with a liquid, stable reagent in tests. The reagent contains a natural enzyme – luciferase. When this enzyme reacts with ATP, light is produced. The light is proportional to the amount of ATP in the samples and is read using a luminometer that gives quantitative results of the level of contamination within seconds.

Microbiological and hygienic testing
Microbiological and hygienic control
Systems for rapid microbiological and hygienic control
Adenosine triphosphate, or ATP for short, is present in all organic substances and is a universal particle of energy found in all cells. ATP is produced and/or destroyed in the metabolic processes of all living systems. Therefore, most food products and microbial cells contain a natural proportion of ATP. Through the ATP hygiene control system, adenosine triphosphate comes into contact with a liquid, stable reagent in tests. The reagent contains a natural enzyme – luciferase. When this enzyme reacts with ATP, light is produced. The light is proportional to the amount of ATP in the samples and is read using a luminometer that gives quantitative results of the level of contamination within seconds.
- Ability to read up to 1 femtomole of ATP
- A multifunctional device
- Results in 15 seconds
- 100 programmed test plans
- 5000 programmed positions for each test plan
- Stores up to 2000 results
- Results analysis software
Areas of application:
- UBM, Coli, Coliform, Enterobacteriaceae
- Surface and water hygiene control
- Measurement of alkaline phosphatase enzyme in milk
- Measurement of the permissible content of acid phosphatase in meat
The software is easy to use and is designed for data analysis and storage.
- Compatibility with all versions of the Windows environment
- It shows the results
- Quickly identifies contaminated areas
- It reduces costs and increases productivity
- The possibility of making testing plans
- Systematizes results in graphs and reports
- Quick statistical analysis
- Export data to Excel
When do we need rapid testing?
Testing raw materials before entering production:
- protection against the entry of contaminated raw materials into production
- preventing storage costs that shorten the shelf life of raw materials
- quick check of raw material quality certificate
- preventing stoppage of production and loss of income
- faster introduction of raw materials into production and rapid exit of investments
Surface and equipment testing
- preventing bacterial contamination of the product within a few days
- fast effectiveness of cleaning and disinfecting agents
- identification of problem areas in a few hours and in a few days
- testing upon receipt of raw materials, which reduces expenses for analyzes performed in external laboratories
Final product testing
- rapid introduction of a product with a shorter shelf life
- in the event of contamination – the possibility of action before releasing the goods to the market
- the possibility of preventing the product from being discarded
- brand and reputation protection

Measures contamination levels of surface samples

Measures levels of contamination in water samples

A sensitive test that measures contamination levels of surface samples

It measures the permissible level of alkaline phosphatase enzymes after pasteurization of milk

It measures the permissible level of acid phosphatase in meat